Tuesday 3 May 2011

French regulator confirms non-toxicity of PIP breast implants

The French medical device regulator, AFSSAPS, has released the findings of comprehensive testing carried out on Poly Implant Prosthese (PIP) silicone breast implants following health concerns raised in 2010.

These results confirm the UK findings reported in September last year that there was no evidence of genotoxicity (potential for cancer) or chemical toxicity of the filler material inside the devices.

PIP was one of the major breast implant manufactures for the UK and approximately 40,000 women in the UK have been implanted with PIP silicone breast implants (80,000 implants). Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Clinical Director for Devices, Dr

Susanne Ludgate, said: "We wanted to identify any potential toxicity associated with the implant filler as soon as possible, to protect the health of anyone who had used it."

"We are extremely pleased that these further tests have again found no dangerous substances".

"This action is part of the MHRAs ongoing goal to keep watch over medicines and medical devices, and take any action needed to protect the public as swiftly as possible if there are any health issues."

"We are pleased that women in the UK with these implants can be reassured as a result of these findings."

source: otjonline.com

PIP Implant Claims