Despite the fact that seven-year-old Ethan Radtke was born with cerebral palsy, an expensive stem-cell treatment he underwent in Germany has allowed him to recently walk for the first time in his life.
According to INFORUM, Ethan underwent stem-cell therapy in July 2010 at the Xcell-Center in Dusseldorf, Germany that collected stem cells from his bone marrow and injected it into his spinal fluid to help injured cells heal. Funding for the procedure, which topped $20,000, was gathered through donations from the West Fargo community he and his family live in.
While his cerebral palsy had led to his leg muscles becoming stiff, spastic, and twisted, Ethan was able to take his first steps ever. Over time, he has been able to learn to walk from his bedroom to the couch in his living room. Additionally, the stem cell treatment also improved his speech and the dexterity of his hands.
Later this year, Ethan will undergo a number of surgeries at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Minneapolis to help straighten his legs and hopefully make walking even easier for him.
It is possible to live a relatively normal life with cerebral palsy, but there is a high likelihood that doing so may require a number of medical procedures that an insurance policy may not always cover.
If you have a child born with cerebral palsy that can be attributed to medical negligence, contact today to learn more about pursuing a birth injury claim.
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